by Tonya Russo Hamilton   Bill and Carol Sansone started LivingItalian in 2012, intent on sharing their years of experience living, working, and traveling independently throughout Italy.   Almost 40 years ago, they decided to explore the regional cultures, traditions, food and history of southern Italy where all of their grandparents...

by Carmine Fotina   Italy's Industry Minister Federica Guidi signed the implementation guidelines on Thursday necessary to unlock €260 million of public funding resources available in 2015 to promote "Made in Italy" products. The amount is six times as much as the average annual budget of the past five years. The plan, which now must be...

They came. They worked. They built. From those who established Little Italy villages within our cities, to the fourth-generation upholders of ethnic neighborhoods, businesses, and traditions, the Italian immigrant legacy is a cultural imprint that continues to enrich the physical and social landscapes of our nation.   What pushed so many Ita...

by Michael Klein   Last fall, Mike Giammarino had planned to move his Gennaro's Tomato Pie from 1429 Jackson St. to a new spot across from the Singing Fountain on Passyunk Square. He'd use the old place for delivery. But then his customers squawked, and he got to thinking: Why fix what ain't broke? Gennaro's and its thin-crust pies...

The 29th edition of SXSW drew to a close with the participation of over 50,000 delegates and 2000 showcasing acts hailing from 75 countries in attendance. For the 2015 edition, a 100-strong Italian delegation descended on the Texas capital for the first time showing off the best of "Made In Italy" at the world's leading music industry event.  ...

  WTI Magazine #57    2015 April, 3Author : Joe D'Amore for John Cabot University      Translation by:   My name is Joe D'Amore. I am a 21-year-old Italian-American from Winthrop, Massachusetts. My dad moved to the States when he was 25 years old, leaving Montefalcione, his small town close to Naples. In the States he met my mum, who happened to...

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 - 6 to 8 PMItalian Cultural Institute, 1023 Hilgard Avenue - LA 90024 Fees: $40 ($35 for IIC & NASA members). To register please call 310-824-7408 or email to [email protected]   Led by Diego Meraviglia - Gold-Pin Pro Sommelier, Master Taster, North American Sommelier Asso...

Date: Thursday, May 21, 2015 Hours: 6:00 p.m. Site: Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago - 500 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 Organized by: Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago in collaboration with: in Italian with English subtitles Through his research on the status of women in Florence and othe...

The final spring screening of the Italian Cultural Center of Western Massachusetts' "Friday Night at the Italian Cinema" will show the comedy "Pane e Tulipani" on Friday, May 1. The Italian film tells the story of Rosalba Barletta, an unappreciated housewife who starts a new life in Venice after being left behind on a family vacation.  ...

di Diletta Parlangeli   Si fa presto a riempirsi la bocca con parole come storytelling e content curation, ma poi bisogna anche saperli fare. What Italy Is è un progetto che invece, di questi due termini, potrebbe fare ampio uso. Basta una rapida occhiata al profilo Instragram (ad oggi, oltre 25mila follower) per rendersene conto: ci sono st...

by Daniel Gaitan   Kenosha Unified theater offers a heavy helping of melodrama with "Italian American Reconciliation," an intimate exploration of love, loss and loneliness. There is a 7:30 showing tonight (May 22) and Saturday (May 23) in the school's Black Box Theatre, 3700 Washington Road (Room 150).   "It's a story about relat...

The american magazine Forbes has just released its new ranking for the world's most powerful woman. Lots of surprises can be found in the top ten, but what is even more impressive is that three Italian have been included in this prestigious list. We are talking about Federica Mogherini, Miuccia Prada and Fabiola Gianotti.   Federica Mogherin...