Milano Finanza: Italy-USA One Way Ticket

Feb 04, 2013 1153

Cristina Cimato brilliantly summarizes the achievements of the Italian Businesses & investment initiative since its inception in early 2011. IB&II spearheaded high-tech venture creation in Italy allowing Italian scientists to learn in the US the best practices and to deploy these capabilities in Italy (Fulbright BEST scholarship), in allowing most vibrant start-ups to internationalize facilitating gathering in New York and San Francisco with US investors in cooperation with Innogest, Intesa San Paolo Start up Initiative and Mind the Bridge Foundations.

More, it illustrates Feb 6 and 7 seminars in Rome and Milan, respectively, where IB&II has invited leading US operators to explain to Italian Small to Medium enterprises how to penetrate the US market. Last but not least, the Feb 11 inaugural summit "Italy Meets the United States of America". Five top CEOs (Alitalia, Enel, Eni, Intesa, Wind), two leading politicians, two times Italy's Prime minister, Giuliano Amato and the Minister of Economy, Professor Vittorio Grilli, and the US Ambassador to Italy, David H.Thorne, will debate and illustrate why Italy, in virtue of the policy reforms passed between Nov 2011 and Jan 2013, should be look, Lomnbaed at with fresh eyes by US investors and opinion makers.

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