Take part in a colorful pasta art workshop in Seattle

Jun 12, 2018 962

It’s Sicilian tradition meets Seattle quirk at Linda Miller Nicholson’s highly sought-after pasta workshops, where those in attendance learn how to turn their macaroni into masterpieces worthy of a museum.  Miller Nicholson has been hand making some type of pasta or noodle at least once a week since the age of four. That’s a whole lot of practise. She cut her teeth in both America and Italy, under some of the most knowledgeable pasta pioneers, and she even completed a stint on hit cooking show MasterChef.

Unsurprisingly, she has now become a world-renowned ‘pasta powerhouse’ famed for her innovative and inimitable ‘pasta art’ which is transformed by the addition of all-natural, vegetable-based dyes.“Although I’ve been making pasta since I was a kid, I do have to credit my own child for giving me the key to unlock the colorful world of pasta,” she explains to Lonely Planet News. 

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SOURCE: https://www.lonelyplanet.com

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