Belleville, New Jersey, native Dominic Scaglione Jr. has played Frankie Valli in the Chicago and Las Vegas companies of Jersey Boys as well as covering the role on Broadway. After four and a half years, he is understandably thrilled to be headlining the Broadway production of the Tony Award-winning musical.   Though he was born more than 40...

You are cordially invited to attend a history and viewing of American costume jewelry, created in the Italian immigrant tradition. Vintage and contemporary Italian jewelry will be presented during the evening and will be available for purchase.   Many Italian immigrants sought jobs in the burgeoning business of costume jewelry, in the indust...

Home from Rome is a lecture series based in New York which invites Fellows, Residents, and Affiliated Fellows to discuss the impact of their time in Rome. C. Brian Rose, FAAR'92, RAAR'12, will initiate the American Academy in Rome's new program with "Who Owns Antiquity?: Museums, Repatriation, and Armed Conflict", a presentation on the importance o...

By Andrea Malan La partita tra Sergio Marchionne e il sindacato Usa, azionista di Chrysler con il fondo Veba, sta arrivando alle fasi decisive ed è arrivata a coinvolgere l'Alfa Romeo – marchio prestigioso che dovrebbe costituire una delle armi del rilancio del gruppo Fiat. «Finché sarò al timone della Fiat, l'Alfa Romeo non verrà prodotta fuori d...

You are cordially invited to attend a presentation and signing for Dr. Salvatore J. LaGumina's latest book titled, "Long Island Italian Americans: History, Heritage & Tradition".   For Italian immigrants and their descendants, moving from "the city" out to Long Island was more than a change of address. It signaled that the family had ach...

by Silvia Simonetti   Despite last winter's attempt to remove it from the list of official holidays observed in California and to replace it with the Native American Day, the historic Columbus Day has been saved, and it will be celebrated next Monday by the Italian American community in Los Angeles within the special framework of 2013 - Year...

La mostra Il Principe di Niccolò Machiavelli e il suo Tempo inizia a Washington il suo tour internazionale. Dopo il successo al Complesso Monumentale del Vittoriano la scorsa primavera, l'esposizione arriva, grazie alla partnership con Eni, negli Usa in occasione dell'Anno della Cultura Italiana negli Stati Uniti, di cui l'azienda è corporate ambas...

By Chiara Zaccherotti Quanto ha a che fare il cibo con la creazione dell'identità collettiva di un popolo? Tanto. Con l'aggiunta di un processo migratorio, poi, il fenomeno assume caratteristiche sociali ed economiche per nulla irrilevanti. Un po' come è accaduto agli italiani che a partire dalla fine dell'800 hanno lasciato la patria per attraver...

Eni today will unveil the installation of The Guardians: Hero and Superhero, two 13-foot-high statues created by acclaimed Italian architect and designer Antonio Pio Saracino, at Bryant Park in New York City. Hero is a gift from Italy to the United States and was donated with the support of Eni by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embass...

Wine production of the popular Italian bubbly Prosecco beat out French Champagne, consortiums for the two sparkling wines reported on Friday. A growing global thirst for Prosecco prompted makers to produce 330 million bottles in 2013 compared to French producers' 300 million bottles of Champagne.   "It is a trend that is growing stronge...

by Miranda Leon   With polar vortexes and chilling winds, it can be difficult to deal with the frigid and desolate days of January in Chicago. One method for overcoming winter's oppression is to celebrate light and its encouraging connotations amid this dark time. The work of internationally-acclaimed Italian artist Marco Rotelli does j...

The duo Karima & Ruggeri's opening concert at Teatro Duni on November 26th has marked the launch for the 12th season of Matera in Musica, the city's official concert season organized by Festival Duni and the Ico della Magna Grecia Orchestra. The event foresees 11 concerts between the end of November and May, 2014, and is part of the programme f...