Wine values exist in many countries, but perhaps no nation produces as many reasonably priced wines of very good quality as Italy. The reasons for this? There are many, but perhaps the primary cause is the fact that most wines in Italy are made with indigenous varieties, many of which are found nowhere else in the world, meaning that these wines ar...

Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, Inc., a nonprofit educational organization honoring the achievements of outstanding individuals and encouraging youth to pursue their dreams through higher education, today announced that Mario J. Gabelli, Chairman and CEO, GAMCO Investors, Inc. (NYSE: GBL), has been selected for membership in t...

This piece is part of an occasional series on metro Detroit's immigrant chefs. If you know of a chef we should profile, let us know! Luciano Gianino is committed to providing visitors to his family-run restaurant with real Italian meals, the kind he remembers from his youth in Sicily. Located near 17 Mile and Garfield Roads in Clinton Township, Luc...

In my mother’s hometown in Italy, people don’t ask, “What is your name?” Rather, they ask, “To whom do you belong?” You answer with the family name, actually most of the time with the nickname by which your family is known in town. The importance of belonging to a family, to a community, comes before one’s own individuality. The community shares th...

From the shop windows of Naples, hundreds of faces lure us with their expressions: proud, sad, joyful, lewd, angelic, humorous. Few artistic traditions have this ability to pull at our heartstrings, to surprise and delight us, to make us laugh out loud. More than any other Neapolitan tradition, nativities (called o’presebbio in Neapolitan dialect)...

The City of Tamarac now has a new captain leading the district. But he’s no stranger to the city. Captain Jeff Cirminiello, 47, spent his summers in Tamarac.  A Long Island native, he first visited the city at the age of 12, when his grandparents moved to Tamarac’s Westwood 24 in the mid-1980s.  He had great memories where he would spend his summer...

Great success on December 12, for the duo Roberta Gambarini and Jeb Patten wo performed at the Embassy of Italy. The Italian jazz singer and local pianist delighted the embassy guests with a program of jazz music, with some great American and Italian classics, interpreted in an innovative and engaging way. Alongside some improvisations, the duo als...

In Italy, it is not only people who gets ready for Christmas, but cities, too. It is especially Christmas street lights and decorations that help creating that special holiday mood everywhere, so much so that walking around, shopping or simply strolling enjoying the atmosphere, is one of people’s favorite activities this time of the year. There is...

The Italian Cultural Center in Springfield hopes to spread the word about a bingo style game that’s very much a part of Italian Culture, a game called “Tombola.” The cultural center held a pot luck dinner Sunday afternoon to be followed by the introduction of Tombola, which is commonly played in Italy during the Christmas season. The center’s execu...

Con un balzo del 9% nelle bottiglie esportate lo spumante italiano conquista le tavole nel mondo dove per Natale e Capodanno 2019 ci sarà il record storico di brindisi Made in Italy. E’ quanto emerge da una analisi della Coldiretti dalla quale si evidenzia che a fine anno sarà raggiunto per la prima volta il record storico annuale delle vendite all...

The 14th Conference of the Italian Researchers in the World, inaugurated at Miami Dade College in Florida, was held in order to emphasize and highlight the work of the Italian researchers in the United States who operate in the area of science, technology, medicine, and humanities. The annual event of the Comitato Tricolore per gli Italiani nel Mon...

Un nuovo record storico, quello di quasi 430 milioni di presenze nelle strutture ricettive nostrane. Di questo parlano i dati Istat turismo 2018 ma non solo: quello appena passato, infatti, sembra essere stato l’anno della ricettività turistica sul modello Airbnb. Interiorizzata l’idea di condivisione o forse attratto dalla notevole possibilità di...