November in South Florida is the perfect time to launch the Social Season in the Palm Beaches and with it, the second annual Concorso Ferrari Palm Beach. This Concurs d’Elegance is an event created by the Palm Beach Chapter featuring a field of sixty-five classic and modern, member-owned Ferrari. Experienced FCA judges examined the cars and awards...

The doctors of the Gaslini pediatric hospital in Genoa reconstructed the heart of a 21-month-old girl from Northern Italy suffering from a serious malformation from birth that in other hospitals had been considered incorrigible. The possibility of a double heart-lung transplant was also rejected. Congenital heart disease was corrected, the girl was...

Daytime TV icon Katherine Kelly Lang was all smiles last night as she welcomed her guests at the newly opened Benheart in Beverly Hills just a day after the official ribbon cutting by Italian Consul General Silvia Chiave on December 16th. This marks Benheart's first storefront in the US and the launch of their website. Located on Santa Monica Boule...

L’Italia è leader globale. Per l’ennesima volta il Global Order Book 2020, la classifica certificata dell’andamento del mercato internazionale delle imbarcazioni maggiori di 24 metri, basata sugli ordini effettivi e pubblicata ogni anno dalla rivista Boat International, assegna al made in Italy il podio mondiale della produzione di superyacht. Tra...

On Christmas Eve morning, a few things were usually certain in and around Westbury, where I grew up: For one, there was a line at the bakery (in this case, Cardinali Bakery in Carle Place) for Italian bread and semolina rolls. A few miles away at the fish market, there was also a line, one that had snaked out the door since early morning as people...

Celebrating 42 years of Italian Americans in Sports, the National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame hosted its annual star-studded Induction and Awards Gala on Saturday, November 9th at the Westin O’Hare. With 650 guests on hand, the NIASHF welcomed the all-star class of 2019, which included Super Bowl Champion, Glenn Carano; National Hot Rod As...

How would you like to spend a year as a Research Resident at La Capraia in Naples, the site of the Center for the History of Art and Architecture of the Port Cities, a collaboration between the Museo di Capodimonte and our friends at the Edith O'Donnell Institute of Art History at Dallas? "The Center for the History of Art and Architecture of the P...

Un lampo di luce nella mente mentre, da sola nel suo studio che si affaccia sulla torre pendente, guardava per la millesima volta quell’iscrizione. Così un mistero che durava dal 1838 è stato svelato. Giulia Ammannati, ricercatrice di Paleografia alla Scuola Normale Superiore, ha capito subito di averla fatta grossa: «Per prima cosa ho mandato una...

Italy does Christmas very well, but there are a few traditions which may seem confusing or downright bizarre to the uninitiated. Here are six of the key ingredients for a truly Italian festive season, explained. 1. A month of festivities We've all got that one friend who wants to put on the Christmas music and dig out their reindeer jumper in Septe...

World-class Italian guitarist and singer Beppe Gambetta will perform two concerts next month at the Prallsville Mills in Stockton, N.J. Gambetta has found a second home in Stockton, and each year invites one or two wonderful musicians he has met along the road to join him for a special performance at the Prallsville Mills. This year, his guests wil...

No Christmas would be complete without some good fireside stories! And Italy is full of interesting tales. So from good Christmas witches to dynamic processions of fire, here are some of the most interesting Christmas legends & festivals to come out of Italy! La Befana La Befana is hands down Italy’s most interesting Christmas character. Known as t...

On a quiet residential street of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Bamonte’s Italian restaurant celebrates 118 years and four generations of seamless family transition.  Bamonte’s phone rings non-stop. Most Friday afternoons, the restaurant refuses reservations for the weekend. Its 25 tables are filled, thanks in part to John “Bamonte.” He allows this journa...