Robert De Niro's attorney is threatening legal action against Italian director Stefania Grassi after she accused the movie star of plagiarising her work for his short film Ellis. The Raging Bull actor stars in the 14-minute movie, written by Eric Roth and directed by Frenchman JR, about a man who roams the hallways of an abandoned immigrant ho...

by Claudia Astarita Oil is one of the crucial elements of Italian diet and food industry. Therefore, it seems essential to be able to distinguish among the different kinds. According to Luigi Caricato – oil expert – there are four main categories of oil. Namely, from the top to the bottom we find the extravergin olive oil, the olive oil, the...

The Immaculate Conception of Mary is the dogma that according to Roman Catholic Church the Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin – the one that every man is born with. The feast is celebrated on the 8th December, in a variety of different forms, and in Southern and Central Italy, the tradition takes on a very unique stance. Bonfires are l...

The Italian American Studies Association announces the Italian American Studies Association Book Award to be offered even numbered years for a scholarly work and odd numbered years for a creative work. The first award will be presented in November 2016 at our meeting in Long Beach, CA. (The recipient need not be present.) The award of $500 will be...

by Jennifer Parker   It's a handsome holiday scene. Families play with their children underneath an atrium of glowing lanterns. Cups of hot cocoa and gourmet goodies are being sold by the fistful over gleaming market counters. Inside, champagne, foie gras and fruits de mer are being served in the upscale French bistro Beaubourg.   Out...

by Allen Jones   Maggiano's Little Italy opened in the newly expanded Baybrook Mall at 700 Baybrook Mall Drive in Friendswood. The Brinker International Inc. owned and operated restaurant opened Nov. 9. It is the second location the company has opened in the greater Houston area offering a made-from-scratch Italian-American menu.  ...

By Bettye Miller   UCR's Department of Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages presents documentary filmmaker Fred Kujo Kuwornu and his film "18 Ius Soli" on Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in CHASS Interdisciplinary 1111. Kuwornu is an Italian-Ghanaian activist-producer-writer-director who was born and raised in Italy. &nbs...

by Nel Imperial   The Boston Celtics are still big-name hunting on the trading front with less than two weeks left before February 18 deadline. provided details on the Celtics' attempt to snag Italian forward Danilo Gallinari from the Denver Nuggets.   The Celtics, armed with multiple draft picks and a handful of young...

By Ted Roelofs   In the grainy black-and-white photo, taken c. 1920, Pietro Frustaglio sits with his miner's hat in his lap, erect and proud, surrounded by miners that are taller than him. Documents say he stood 5-foot-3 and weighed 147 pounds, dimensions that might not suggest a lifetime of hard physical labor.   But the Italian...

Robert J. Del Tufo, a former New Jersey attorney general and federal prosecutor who offered a lonely dissent in the Federal Bureau of Investigation's corruption investigation known as Abscam, died on Wednesday in Princeton, N.J. He was 82.   The cause was lung cancer, his wife, Katherine, said. As United States attorney for New Jersey f...

By Valerio Viale   Time ago, there was a girl running freely along green hillsides and valleys. Since an early age, she was not afraid of animals, but, rather, intrigued by Nature.    Her name was...Heidi. Actually, no, I'm sorry to disappoint Johanna Spyri's fans, but that's a different story! I'm referring to Cinzia Zuffad...

La prima conferenza-expo sulle eccellenze tecnologiche italiane negli Stati Uniti si terrà a Detroit il 9 e 10 maggio 2016 presso la Wayne State University. Aziende italiane leader mondiali nell'ingegneria e nell'innovazione tecnologica tra le quali FCA - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Brembo, Comau, Magneti Marelli, Esaote presenteranno i loro pr...