This month, Angelo D'Alo will open Agrodolce, a Sicilian restaurant in Berkeley. But from the very start, there was little doubt that he would get into the restaurant business.   His food career began improbably decades ago as a San Francisco Chronicle paper boy. His mother, Rosa D'Alo, was bored as a housewife in the 1980s and was itching t...

October 10 - 8pm - Martyr's, 3855 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago. Singer, songwriter and bassist Max Gazzè's twenty-five year career has seen the artist become a leading statesman of Italian song. Born in Rome and raised in Brussels, where his father served as a diplomat, Gazzè has collaborated with the likes of Franco Battiato and Carm...

When I was a young child, I assumed everyone in Troy was Italian. Heck, I thought the whole world was paisan. And why wouldn't I? My two neighborhoods growing up were filled with names that ended in vowels.   My life started at 7 Havermans Ave., surrounded by my cousins, the Brunos, Clementes, Pitanellos, Montellos, Sorrentos and Ciccar...

Boston's Italian community and local restaurants raised over $60,000 at "Boston Stands With Italy," a fundraiser held on Sunday, October 23rd at Steriti rink in the North End.   A 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit central Italy in late August, leveling entire towns and resulting in devastating loss and the deaths of 298 people. Funds will support...

by Mecca Bos We wrote about Jessi Rivera last year when we noticed that she was diligently doing work on the old Delmonico's Italian Deli space in Northeast.   By some act of kismet, she walked into the local institution one day and told third-generation owners Bob and Terry Delmonico: "I've been dreaming my whole life of opening a place ju...

Thursday, December 8 2016 - 6.30 pm - StartupHouse - 934 Howard St, San Francisco, CA. Venice suffers from its legends. Legends narrate Venice as a symbol of the end of the Roman Age. Venice represents the place where the noble Romans rescued themselves from the barbarian hordes: Venetians would have been forced to move to an unwelcoming islan...

Quattro puntate per un dicembre speciale: su Rai Italia va in onda da domani un nuovo programma "That's my country", un viaggio avventuroso alla scoperta delle proprie radici. Una coppia formata da un italiano residente all'estero e un componente importante della sua famiglia, ogni settimana verificherà la propria "italianità", per 5 giorni, 5 tapp...

The Place: In the former Calamari space on the quiet end of the Main Highway in Coconut Grove, Spasso is a sprawling restaurant with white tablecloths, a bar, a long open kitchen and a patio with a fountain, hanging potted ferns and a huge oak tree strung with twinkly lights. Spasso means enjoyment, amusement and entertainment, and folks come for h...

Di Silvia Bulckaen Miami ha la sua storia toscana. Quasi una fiaba. Sembra infatti una novella la vicenda della nascita della Camera di Commercio Italiana a Miami. Una storia che va raccontata, per non perderne la memoria. C'era una volta un toscano che, nel suo girovagare attraverso i paesi più belli del mondo, sbarcò un bel giorno a Miami. Giova...

Saturday September 29, 201212:00 PM - 11:00 PM Fair, Italian American Festival, Mercer County Park, 609-631-7544Noon. to 11 p.m., Annual three-day community festival to showcase and preserve Italian-American culture. Music, dance, food, activities for children, rides, art, clothing, Italian products, and memorabilia. Rain or shine. $3. No pets. Th...

Il 15 e 16 novembre 2012 si terranno rispettivamente a San Francisco e a Palo Alto due eventi di promozione della moda Made in Italy, previsti nell'ambito del Programma di Promozione ICE.Location degli eventi saranno i due negozi Wilkes Bashford di proprietà della famiglia di dettaglianti Mitchell.Wilkes Bashford è stato il primo dettagliante ad in...

"Sensibilizzare ma anche coinvolgere le associazioni aderenti, i collaboratori, i corrispondenti del giornale ed i tanti amici che vivono negli Stati Uniti, al programma del Ministero degli Affari Esteri dedicato al 2013, "Anno della cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti"". È l'intento della lettera inviata da Sicilia Mondo ai Presidenti delle Associa...