by Jennifer H. Cunningham   A Bronx nonprofit has mounted a push to transform a historic banquet hall in Little Italy into an arts haven. The Belmont Society of Arts & Culture envisions E. 187th Street's Rex Hall as a cultural hub for Bronx residents, complete with cinema hall, theater space and arts programs. "It's a platform for...

By Bethany Rickwald The New York City Center Encores! production of Frank Loesser's The Most Happy Fella played the first of its seven scheduled performances last night.   The musical, which follows an Italian-American grape farmer living in Napa, California, and his long-distance love affair with a much younger woman living in San Francisc...

The first Chambers of Commerce appeared in the eighteenth century in the territory which later would be institutionally called Italy. After the unification of Italy, the Chambers formed an organization that would organize and represent them nationally, which has since come a long way, as did the Chambers of Commerce and the companies affiliated to...

Having lived and worked in Europe, Nina Nielsen of Del Mar knows the importance of studying languages and learning about different cultures. That's why she began teaching her children multiple languages when they were still learning English. "The best time to learn a language is at the age when they're still forming skills in their native language...

By Riccardo Chioni Si è svolta ieri al campus del Hunter College nella Upper East Side la cerimonia annuale che precede il Mother's Day, organizzata dal Italian Heritage and Cultural Committee of New York ai piedi della rappresentazione scultorea "Mother Italy", per rinnovare l'omaggio a tutte le mamme. Alla cerimonia ha partecipato il presidente...

New Rochelle Opera Company ushers in its 29th season with its first production of Gaetano Donizetti's L'ELISIR D'AMORE (The Elixir of Love) from June 19-22, 2014 in the Frank J. Auriana Theatre at the Ursuline School, 1345 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY.   The production will be staged by Company co-founder and artistic director Camille Copp...

Beginning July 1, 2015. Assistant professor (tenure-track) in Italian. Primary focus: medieval/early modern Italian studies (literature, culture and the visual arts). Historical, interdisciplinary and intercultural breadth essential.   The successful candidate will have a proven record of scholarship in medieval and/or early modern Italian S...

The "Infiorata Festival" is an Italian tradition that sees the streets paved with flowers during the month of May and June, from North to South, they are held in various Italian towns where these festivals take place. Individual artists display their talents on side streets and the public is invited to browse the "street gallery". Three festivals i...

Grazie alla digitalizzazione dei documenti del Dipartimento per la riabilitazione e correzione dello Stato di New York sono emersi nuovi dettagli sulla vita di uno dei boss mafiosi più famosi di tutti i tempi: l'italiano Salvatore Lucania, in arte Charles Lucky Luciano.   Lucania arrivò negli Stati Uniti nel 1905 dopo avere lasciato la sua P...

Oltrepassata la porta a vetri che dalla 23esima strada consente l'accesso al grande magazzino il mondo si trasforma. Dalla straordinaria varietà di colori e nazionalità che caratterizza New York si passa infatti a un ambiente familiare, colmo di marchi storici, prodotti tipici regionali, grandi eccellenze nazionali: è il mondo di Eataly, oggi...

By Mark Rutkowski Like a lot of immigrants, Armando Mastroianni came to the United States with little more than a dream for a better life and a work ethic that could make that dream a reality.   More than 60 years later, he admits that dream he had has been realized more than he could have ever imagined. This year marks the 60th anniversary...

A new edition of the Venice Film Festival presents great Italian and international cinema from 27th August to 6th September. This is an unmissable opportunity both for professionals and lovers of the seventh art who will be able to watch the previews of the upcoming movie season during the space of these ten days.   Experience a magical atmo...