Ambitious New Children’s Books Read Like Graphic Novels ... in Two Languages!

Jul 16, 2015 1088

There are two new children's books garnering a grassroots following because they don't follow the traditional format used in children's books. With lush layering of colors and beautiful illustrations that capture the character's emotions, There's A Crazy Dog Under the Palace! and the newly-released sequel, Who Ate the Gelato?!, read more like graphic novels than Disney fairy tales.

Since the first book's title was taken from a limerick taught to young Sicilian children ("sotto un palazzo c'e' un cane pazzo!"), writer-illustrator David Cuccia felt it was important to honor his family roots by producing his books in two versions, English and Italian. The Italian version of Who Ate the Gelato?! should be ready in time for Christmas 2015.

Both books revolve around a homeless dog (Jasmine) in Palermo, Sicily,

befriended by a mouse (Topo) living in a palace, along with the "official dog" (Roxanne) of Prince Antonino. Unusual characters and fun camera angles, detailed illustrations and intense color saturation capture the reader's interest immediately for plenty of fun-filled adventures!

You can order your signed copies of There's A Crazy Dog Under the
Palace! or Who Ate the Gelato?! by going to and

clicking on Kids Books!

Contact: David Cuccia - Cell phone: 614.370.0501 - Email: [email protected] -  Website:

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