A Tradition of Meatballs in Cleveland

Dec 15, 2015 725

By Nikki Delamotte

"I can remember as a child watching both grandmothers and my mom rolling the meatballs," says Bo Santosuosso, co-owner of Johnny's on Fulton (3164 Fulton Rd., 216-281-0055, johnnyscleveland.com). Squeezing through the narrow restaurant's sea of suits and ties, Santosuosso makes his way behind the bar.

He worked his way up from dishwasher at age 19 to mixing drinks at 21 to his ownership today. In the 41 years he's worked at Johnny's, the family meatball recipe has never changed. Santosuosso's mother's mother was from Sicily, his dad's mother from Tyrol.

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Source: http://www.clevescene.com/

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