Cafe Spiaggia reopens today

Jul 24, 2015 832

by Jan Parr

Sentimentalists, be warned. Cafe Spiaggia is not the place it used to be. Six weeks ago, chef/owner Tony Mantuano closed the restaurant at the top of North Michigan Avenue for a refresh of both menu and decor. Gone are the European-inspired checkerboard tile floors, the wainscotting, the burgundy banquettes, the colorful faux-Renaissance murals and track lighting.

In their place are wood floors, a mostly neutral (read: beige and white) color scheme, Venetian plaster, black-and-white photos and industrial lighting. All in all, the Old World Italian, jewel-box vibe is gone. Don't worry: The murals, locally painted by Simes Studio, have been moved back to Simes' gallery.

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