Emerging trends in the US food sector after COVID-19

Jun 06, 2020 995

June 11, 2020 9 AM CT | 4 PM (Italy time). Italian American Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with The Extraordinary Italian Taste, the Ministry of Foreign affairs and International Cooperation and Assocamerestero, and with the participation of Barilla, Unioncamere and Spindox, is glad to promote a webinar, within the project "True Italian Taste", entitled "Emerging trends in the US food sector after COVID-19. "

The webinar will be introduced by Silvia Raffa, Managing Director Italian American Chamber of Commerce and by Domenico Mauriello, Director of Internationalization at Unioncamere, who will talk about the current support measures and initiatives for exporting companies, during the Covid-19 emergency, promoted by the Italian Chambers of Commerce.

Guest speaker, Jean-Pierre Comte, President of Barilla Americas will review Covid-19 pandemic impact on food consumption in the US, now and in the near future and how Italian food companies can answer these new American Consumer needs.

To attend the webinar please fill out THIS FORM.

We will send you a confirmation email with the direct link to the webinar a day prior to the event. INFO For more information contact us at: [email protected]

SOURCE: Italian Chamber of Commerce in Chicago

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