Il Rione Pizzeria: A passion for pizza in Gordon Square

May 12, 2018 846

BY: Beth Segal

Passions of every sort are running high these days. Pick any topic and you're picking a fight, and woe to you if you choose to carry it out on any sort of social media. But no one thing so seems to galvanize the masses, and the less numerous strata above, as pizza.  It's the one subject that everyone can disagree on ... in relative safety. From the dense and cheesy comfort of deep dish pies to the rarified pleasures of thin crisp Neapolitan pizza, there's a style and execution that's favorite to almost every taste.

There are hundreds of pizza purveyors in Greater Cleveland, and fresh eateries keep piling up. I won't wade into the fray with an encyclopedic round-up of greatest and latest entries, but will happily discuss one of the very best of the new, Il Rione Pizzeria

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