‘Call it the broken table’: Big Belly’s Italian-American Kitchen offers meal, warm rest stop for those in need

Jan 31, 2024 1204

BY: Alyssa Jackson

A hot meal and warm place to rest are that much more important as Kansas City, Missouri, continues in the single digits. People like Shera McClelland see the worst of it. “I work at a hospital, and me and my son were talking — there’s literally people freezing to death,” McClelland said.

McClelland and her son were talking about it on the way to Big Belly’s Italian-American Kitchen on Tuesday. “I told him on the way here, ‘I was so warm driving,’ and I was like, ‘I don’t know that guilty is the word, but it’s just a realization,'” she said. “I’m warm and have everything I need. There are people who can’t get a coat or shoes.”

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SOURCE: https://abc17news.com/

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