Gelato Di Riso is the Classic Italian Treat

Jun 23, 2017 1304

Many people think of gelato as just the Italian word for ice cream, when it’s actually Italian­style ice cream. The difference is significant. American­style ice cream is made with heavy cream, a little whole milk, sugar, eggs, and flavorings like vanilla or strawberries. It’s then churned during the freezing process to aerate it and prevent large ice crystals from forming.

American­style ice cream is delicious, yes, but it’s not gelato. This Italian­style confection is made with a lot less cream, yet it’s more silky than ice cream. That’s because it’s churned at a much slower rate, which still prevents ice crystals, but adds less air, so the gelato is denser and richer than ice cream. It’s traditionally stored and served at a slightly warmer temperature too, meaning the flavors shine through. Some of the very best gelato in St. Louis can be found at Gelato Di Riso, 5204 Wilson Ave. in the city’s historically Italian Hill neighborhood.

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