Arezzo Owner Opens Le Madri in Bethel CT

Sep 28, 2017 1460

This week Chef/Restaurateur Vinicio Llanos of the popular Arezzo Ristorante & Wine Bar located alongside the tranquil Saugatuck River in Westport, CT, introduced his newest CT venture, Le Madri, to the town of Bethel. This family owned and operated restaurant, bar, and event venue features rustic Italian cuisine set in an open and contemporary space with panoramic views of a bustling town.

Ecuadorian born, Vinicio grew up with his family’s Italian cooking. His Sicilian grandmother Maria Targelia, upon traveling to Ecuador with missionaries, met and married Vinicio’s grandfather. His grandmother’s Italian recipes and techniques were passed down to Vinicio’s mother Maria Fernanda and ultimately to Vinicio and his sister Patricia. Today, the Le Madri kitchen sees Vinicio, Patricia, and their mother cooking alongside one another, preparing their family’s favorite dishes for customers, in addition to inspired dishes developed throughout Vinicio’s years of experience, which includes a 10-year history at Italian Restaurateur Pino Luongo’s famed New York City hot spots Le Madri, Centolire and Coco Pazzo.

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