Italy: Italian Language and Culture

Nov 26, 2014 1236

Have you been in Italy before ? Had a great time, but came back feeling like deep down you never really left the US? You are not alone. That is what our Dialogue of Civilization is tailored for. During this 1 month program you will not only get to follow intensive language and culture courses, but you will get to experience the true "secret life" of Italy, the one that you do not get to see on tv or in movies.

Our program main location, Mantova is uniquely suited for this task: Mantova is a small but rich city, it numbers only 50,000 inhabitants, but it has all the comfort of a larger metropolis: restaurants, museums, bars, café, internet etc. Despite its modernity, Mantova still maintains extremely close ties to its cultural past, and for a city that is 4000 years old , there is lots of that .

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