Micalizzi's Italian Ice Thriving In Milford

Jul 02, 2021 439

BY: Dan Shalin

Micalizzi's Italian Ice in Milford has a 1960's peace and love-themed decor. But since the shop opened in late May, the crowds it has attracted are reminiscent of the 80s or 90s - when Micalizzi's retail business was truly booming in Bridgeport.

"We have a big following in Milford and most of our customers and friends moved out of Bridgeport 30 years ago and don't come to Bridgeport now. We wanted to be close to where they live," said Jay Piccirillo, whose family has owned Micalizzi's since the early 1980s. "The business we're doing in Milford now, is what we had in the 80s or 90s (in Bridgeport), 30 years ago."

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SOURCE: https://patch.com

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