Eataly: a perfect name for a guarantor of culinary italianità

Apr 08, 2023 711

BY: Francesca Bezzone

Today, Eataly is a household name, especially if you love high quality, genuine Made in Italy: with stores in Italy, Germany, France, the US, Sweden, Canada, Brazil, China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia -just to name a few locations – the famous brand has, we can say, conquered the world. The US is home to eight stores, including one in Los Angeles, and will open a ninth one by the end of this year in New York City, on Lafayette St. — it’ll be the third in the Big Apple.

Historically connected to the name and figure of Oscar Farinetti, Eataly’s founder, Andrea Bonomi’s Investindustrial has recently acquired 52% of the company, but customers don’t need to fret, because its philosophy remains unchanged: finding and offering to the wider public food companies and brands that focus on quality, environmental and economic sustainability, responsibility and sharing. The result, still today, is a portfolio of products and producers that propose the best when it comes to quality, taste, and authenticity. 

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