Enel Report Highlights 100 Innovators Shaping Italy’s Circular Economy

Mar 27, 2018 751

Italy is quickly establishing itself as a force to be reckoned with in the circular economy, as evidenced by a new report from Enel, an Italian multinational manufacturer and distributor of electricity and gas. The report, 100 Italian Circular Economy Stories, gives a voice to a cutting-edge, sustainable and competitive Italy, sharing the stories of AquafilOrange FiberEatalyEcodesignLabZero Waste Italy, and 96 other movers and shakers across multiple industries.

Though Italy is poor in natural resources, Italian innovators, change-makers and entrepreneurs are tapping into the country’s long history of efficient, intelligent and innovative material use and coupling it with circular design principles to turn limitations into new economic opportunities.


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SOURCE: http://www.sustainablebrands.com

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