Italy, the importance of innovation for agriculture

Jan 31, 2016 3332

by Claudia Astarita

The food farming sector is still one of the engines of Italian economy. This is why it seems essential to make it innovative by investing on it. As a result, as reported by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, the Italian government has given out 21 million Euros to improve the performance in this field, devoting the funding to a 3-year research project, managed by CREA, the Specialized Centre of the Ministry for Agricultural Policies.

In particular, the study will focus on digital agriculture and biotechnology, aiming at avoiding transgenic GMOs as well as at improving the genetic features of the Italian productive system. Maurizio Martina – Minister of Agricultural Policies – proudly stated that it is important to protect Italian richness in biodiversity. 

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Fonte: This is Italy

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