Hon. Di Sanzo at the presentation of Amb. Canepari's book, "The Italian Legacy in Philadelphia," a "model for policies to follow to enhance our soft power in the world

Mar 14, 2024 1194

Hon. Christian Di Sanzo spoke at the presentation of the book "The Italian Legacy in Philadelphia History, Culture, People and Ideas" edited by Andrea Canepari and Judith Goode. Present at the conference, in addition to Hon. Di Sanzo, were Sen. Gian Marco Centinaio, Vice President of the Senate, and Sen. Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, former foreign minister in the Monti government.

Andrea Canepari, former ambassador of Italy to the Dominican Republic, served as Consul General of Italy in Philadelphia and during his years in this position has delved into various aspects of the historic Italian presence and influence in the U.S. city.

Hon. Di Sanzo, who was elected in the North and Central American Repartition, as an Italian who has lived and lives in the United States for more than 18 years, recalled Canepari's commitment during his tenure in Philadelphia where, Di Sanzo recalled, "he left the a great imprint in the Italian-American community, so much so that even U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito told me about him during a meeting at the Italian Embassy."

"The work done in Philadelphia for the dialogue between the Italian and Italian-American communities is the work that all of us representatives of Italians abroad have to deal with on a daily basis, that is, trying to succeed in bringing together the different parts of our communities," said Hon. Di Sanzo, "we have to make the maximum effort to succeed in bringing the galaxies of the various realities of emigration into dialogue." "We have to find," Di Sanzo said, "a way to succeed in communicating that today's Italy that has changed, an effort that can bring great benefit to the Italian system," such as the initiative recounted in the book to remember the figure of Guglielmo Marconi, built together with PI-Philly (Professionisti Italiani a Philadelphia) "an association of professionals that I know for the intense work it does for the Philadelphia community of new emigration. Here, precisely in this context, the role of "the new generation of researchers and professionals that we need to reconnect with the older generation of Italian emigrants to make a system and unite everyone in the dynamics of Italy, showing and telling about the new opportunities that our country can offer and the opportunities for those who love our country - a work carried out by many Italian associations in Philadelphia, such as Filitalia born precisely to transmit the love for Italy, as the name itself means." "So," concluded Hon. Di Sanzo, "the lessons of the book can serve as a model for policies to be followed to highlight our soft power in the world."

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