How One Man’s Return to Abruzzo Inspired a Dream Vacation for Many

Oct 14, 2018 514

BY: Georgette Jupe

When most people imagine a new life in Italy, the image that is so often conjured up is of an over-worked American or Brit leaving their frenzied life behind for greener pastures in the land of pasta, vino and consistently sunny skies. But what about the stories of those Italians who have lived abroad and suddenly arrived at a time when “coming home” seemed like the best thing to do?

Massimo is our “dolce vita” dreamer-turned-dinner today, the proud owner and personality of Abruzzo Cibus Culinary School in the heart of one of Italy’s most suggestive—and unsung regions bordering the regions of Marche, Lazio, and Umbria, as well as the Adriatic Sea. Massimo’s background admittedly had more of an international tilt then most -- his father was a careerdiplomat so from an early age the family was traveling the world but always balanced their time abroad with that of “home” on Italian soil. Eventually, Massimo made his way to America for university and thought he wouldnever look back. 

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