Inventions of Italy: finding Italian creativity where you may not expect it

Aug 30, 2017 633

BY: Francesca Bezzone

Scientific innovation or inventions may not be the first thing coming to mind in relation to the Bel Paese. No offense to the many Italian scientists, from Trotula to Galileo, all the way to Rita Levi Montalcini, Margherita Hack and Renato Dulbecco, who changed the game in their disciplines throughout the centuries, but when thinking about Italian geniality, it is to art – in all its forms – the mind usually runs to.

For this reason, many may not be aware that Italian creativity is behind some pretty popular inventions, some of which we use on an everyday basis: we can thank Italian minds for barometers and thermometers, for banks and pianos and even for those incredibly relaxing Jacuzzi bathtubs the luckiest among us have in their bathrooms.

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