‘A crucial turning point’ — Italian researcher says CRISPR gene editing of seeds is crucial to prevent crop diseases

Jun 30, 2023 1265

BY: Pasquale Raicaldo

Italian agriculture could be close to a turning point, thanks to genetic engineering. This would make fruit and vegetables more resistant to drought or parasites, saving our insecticide and fungicide campaigns. “To date,” highlights CNR biotechnologist Roberto Defez, “Italy imports 10 thousand tons of genetically modified soybeans every day, with an estimated cost of around 2.5 billion euros a year.

This means that it is not the fears towards the future to stop innovation: it’s just a matter of understanding if we want to face a problem with scientific maturity, the survival of our crops to climate change and the aggression of pathogens, or miss the umpteenth train, due to a nostalgia for the past and a lack of faith in research”.

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SOURCE: https://geneticliteracyproject.org

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