Italian curiosities: the leaning tower of Pisa, che pende e mai non vien giù!

Feb 10, 2021 562

Evviva la Torre di Pisa che pende, che pende ma sempre sta su. Evviva la Torre di Pisa che pende, che pende e mai non vien giù:” this was the famous  refrain of a 1950s song by popular crooner Gino Latilla, dedicated to one of Italy’s symbols, the leaning Tower of Pisa

Just like the song says, the stunning gothic belfry keeps on leaning, but doesn’t have any intention to collapse, also thanks to modern technologies, as we shall see. Perhaps, however, we common people with little knowledge and understanding of the fascinating complexities of engineering find the reasons why it leans even more interesting than what keeps this 900 years old building up. 

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