In Italy is born the Day of Remembrance for Native American peoples, on a different day than Columbus Day

Oct 07, 2021 2008

In Florence on October 4, 2021 very important friendship agreements were signed between the native people and Italy: for the first time in the world the sovereignty of the Lakota nation is recognized and a day in their memory is established on October 10. Wolakota, a month of events dedicated to the friendship between Italy and the Lakota Sioux Native American people, opened in Florence.

The importance of an anthropological event such as this is not only to raise awareness of the culture of American Indians, but to do something concrete for a people so noble, and unfortunately always forgotten. In this occasion, nobody even thought about linking this to canceling Columbus Day, which in Italy is on October 12. This is a tribute to someone, not an offense to someone else: two completely different things.

On October 4, 2021 started (after many years of stop) this annual event of meeting between Italian institutions and official delegates of the Lakota Sicangu nation of Rosebud, South Dakota.

Crucial was also the presence of Ragini Gupta, Consul General at the Consulate General of the United States of America in Florence, who acknowledged the errors of the USA in the management of relations with the natives, not only in the centuries of colonization, but also in more recent times, marked by the failure to respect the many promises made to the natives segregated in the reserves. Unexpected, resounding and welcome was the Consul's gesture of signing with the others the protocol of friendship and recognition of Lakota sovereignty.

The Lakota delegation, together with the city, will officially celebrate Remembrance day for all American Indian and Lakota peoples in Florence on Sunday, October 10 at 9:00 am. The Lakota, on horseback, escorted by the Tuscan Knights and the Knights of the Order of Parte Guelfa of Florence, accompanied by the Florentine Falconers, will march from Cascine Park to Piazza della Signoria where they will be received by the Mayor for the final celebration of Remembrance Day with traditional Lakota songs.

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