Lombardy, Sardinia and Emilia, havens for Italian start-ups

Jul 13, 2016 471

by Chiara Bussi

Lombardy, Sardinia and Emilia-Romagna: these are the three Italian regions that most attracted capital for setting up innovative start-ups over the past three years, according to AIFI, the Italian Association of Venture Capital.

Sardinia's the true surprise, scoring silver: out of €185 million invested in Italy between 2013 and 2015, the island secured €36 million, approx. 20% of the total, only preceded by Lombardy with €48 million, while Emilia-Romagna ranks third at €25 million, followed by Lazio. Private equity and private debt mean to go local to give new impetus to venture capital in support of innovation.

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Fonte: Italy24

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