Looking over Florence for a Thousand Years: San Miniato al Monte

Jun 23, 2018 573

BY: Silvia Donati

You can spot it from several locations in Florence, yet relatively few seem to venture to the Basilica of San Miniato al Monte, which stands atop one of the highest points in the city, on a hill that overlooks it from the south side of the river Arno. This year may be just the right time to visit as this Benedictine abbey celebrates 1,000 years since its construction.

Celebrations have officially begun on April 27, the date in 1018 when the church dedicated to the first Christian martyr of Florence, Saint Minias (Miniato), was inaugurated; we know this thanks to the Charta Ordinationis signed by the Florentine bishop Ildebrando. According to legend, Saint Minias was beheaded and carried his head in his hands to the top of the hill where, first a shrine, then the church and a monastery, were built.

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SOURCE: http://www.italymagazine.com/

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