The Gaiola Underwater Park: Naples Below Sea Level

Sep 23, 2015 991

The Gaiola Underwater Park, a stone's throw from downtown Naples, is a protected marine area in the city's gulf, right in front of the Posillipo quarter. The coast there is "the most evocative landscape in the area. It is a steep, tuff cliff where natural and artificial caves and nooks open up.

The remains of a number of Roman villas have emerged both on land and under water here, proving how much this area was populated and appreciated in antiquity for its view, and also bearing testimony to the local bradyseismic activity" (L. De Maria – R. Turchetti, "Rotte e porti del Mediterraneo dopo la caduta dell'Impero romano d'Occidente", Rubettino, Soveria Mannelli 2004).

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