"Voices of Freedom": the "Italian" allies

Apr 08, 2022 623

The "Voices of Freedom" are those of the allied combatants of Italian origin in the Second World War, which appear in the historical-documentary exhibition inaugurated yesterday at Palazzo del Pegaso, until April 22, curated by Matteo Petrelli and Francesco Fusi. The exhibition is sponsored by the Region of Tuscany - Regional Council and the Mission of the United States of America in Italy.

"In the various Allied armies that took part in the Second World War against the Axis powers, there were fighters of Italian origin - the curators explain - who were the sons of emigrants who left Italy between the 19th and 20th centuries. Hundreds of thousands of Italo-Americans were part of the US armed forces, but there were also Italo-British, Italo-Canadian, Italo-Australians and Italo-Brazilians who supported the war effort of their respective countries.

Present in all theaters of war, they also fought in Italy, a country that many knew only through the stories of their parents. The exhibition reconstructs a fascinating and little-known story, recounting the vicissitudes of men who contributed to the victory of the Allies".

The inauguration was attended by the President of the Regional Council, Antonio Mazzeo, and Ragini Gupta, Consul General of the U.S. in Florence, who stressed that the exhibition tells "a fundamental chapter in the shared history of Italy and the U.S.".

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