An event including presentations and a roundtable discussion on the topic of Italians in Wyoming will be held at Western Wyoming Community College on Tuesday, October 24 at 6:30 pm. A light reception provided by the Tyrolean Trentini of Wyoming Club will follow the presentation in the WWCC Atrium.  Rock Springs filmmaker, Mark Pedri, and scholars,...

The "Voices of Freedom" are those of the allied combatants of Italian origin in the Second World War, which appear in the historical-documentary exhibition inaugurated yesterday at Palazzo del Pegaso, until April 22, curated by Matteo Petrelli and Francesco Fusi. The exhibition is sponsored by the Region of Tuscany - Regional Council and the Missio...

When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (this year is the 80th anniversary) and the United States declared war, Italy also went to war with America on the basis of the alliance pact signed with Japan. Italians who lived in America found themselves guiltless citizens of an enemy country: some were removed from the two coasts, all were asked to choose betwe...

As you all know, in our interviews we try to stay as far as we can from politics. It is a very sensitive topic, and We the Italians is completely impartial and unbiased, on both sides of the ocean. This is fundamental to understand the approach we are using regarding the topic of this interview, as to say the relation between Mussolini and the Unit...

Viterbo, Sette Città, 2012, pp.118, € 12.   A sette anni dalla sua discussione come tesi di dottorato presso l'Università di Trieste questo lavoro trova spazio in sede editoriale. Nel tempo trascorso da allora Pretelli ha dato alle stampe numerosi altri contributi di storia delle migrazioni italiane sotto forma di saggi e volumi e si è confrontat...