Carving a Niche for Himself: The Untold Story of Luigi Del Bianco and Mount Rushmore by Douglas J. Gladstone

Nov 27, 2014 1691

Monuments are problematic, especially official state or national monuments. They dictate to the viewer what to think. How do we commemorate without dictating? Mount Rushmore's intended message does not stop Douglas Gladstone in Carving a Niche for Himself from problematizing one of America's most famous and visible monuments.

Gladstone unearths a little known fact that has all but been erased from the monument's history: that Italian immigrant, Luigi Del Bianco, from the northern region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, was the chief carver of Mount Rushmore from 1933-1940. Del Bianco has never been given credit for his role in carving one of America's most recognized national monuments.

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Fonte: L'italo-Americano

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