Pascrell, Amodei Call for Proclamation of October as Italian-American Heritage Month

Oct 06, 2018 2229

Today, U.S. Reps. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) and Mark E. Amodei (R-NV-02), co-chairs of the Congressional Italian-American Delegation, sent a letter to Donald Trump requesting a Presidential Proclamation of October as Italian-American Heritage Month. Pascrell and Amodei coupled their request with the introduction of a resolution in the House of Representatives to establish October as Italian and Italian-American Heritage Month.

“Americans of Italian descent play an integral role in America today, not only in the public policy arena, but in all aspects of our culture.  This proclamation has the support of the Italian-American community as well as the National Italian-American Foundation,” Reps. Pascrell and Amodei write Trump. “Therefore, it is our hope that you will also recognize Italian-Americans in this country by issuing a Presidential Message to proclaim October as Italian-American Heritage Month.”

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