Thursday, June 13, 2019 | 7:00 pm. Italian Cultural & Community Center, 1101 Milford St., Houston, TX 77006. $10 ICCC Members | $15 Non-Members. Presented by Louis F. Aulbach and Linda C. Gorski of the Houston Archaeological Society. The ancient city of Ostia lies at the mouth of the Tiber River, about 15 miles southwest of the center of Rome. Foun...

C’è anche l’Italia alla 14ma edizione alla conferenza annuale della Nafsa - Association of International Educators - la più grande associazione no-profit dedicata all'educazione e allo scambio internazionale tra Paesi, riunita dal 26 al 31 maggio al Convention Center Washington. "Global Leadership, Learning and Change" il tema della 71^ edizione cu...

Leaders in business, Italian-American causes, and military received awards from the Sons of Italy Foundation® (SIF), the philanthropic arm of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America® (OSDIA), the nation’s largest and oldest organization for people of Italian heritage. Bruno Ciacciarelli (President of Roadtex Transportation), Vivian Cardia...

Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner Bob Rolfe and Colorobbia USA, Inc. officials announced today that the ceramics supplier will invest $5 million to establish operations in Cookeville.  Colorobbia USA plans to build a 50,000-square-foot facility that includes distribution functions and a technical assistance lab...

We got an amazing opportunity to meet and interview Bartolo “Buddy” Valastro. He is a reality TV show host, and owner of Carlo’s Bake Shop in Hoboken, New Jersey, and other locations. He also has several TV shows, such as “Cake Boss,” “Bake You Rich,” “Bake It Like Buddy” and “Bakers vs. Fakers.” If you have seen his show or have been lucky enough...

Piazza del Campo, or simply the Campo, is Siena’s main square. With its unique shell shape and architectural integrity, it’s considered one of Europe’s greatest medieval squares and has become the symbol of this Tuscan city. Piazza del Campo is also the location for the thrilling Palio di Siena, which takes place twice a year. The space that would...

When Daniele Treves came to the Roaring Fork Valley to work at the marble quarry, he didn’t expect to find a host of last names from his home back in the Aosta Valley of Northern Italy. He soon learned, however, that the majority of the early families to stake claims in the area were Italian, and many of those were Aostan. Even those unfamiliar wit...

With a grand sweep of his right hand befitting a triumphant conductor, Dr. Ronald Caltabiano gestures to the glorious curves that grace the Holtschneider Performance Center at the DePaul University School of Music. Architectural glissandos ring out everywhere, including the upper-level overhangs that hug 500-seat Gannon Concert Hall and the church-...

A volte i sogni diventano realtà, soprattutto quando si investe molto spirito di sacrificio, dedizione, perseveranza e non ci si arrende mai. E’ successo a Marco Coppola, che nei suoi trent’anni ha realizzato quello che desiderava di più al mondo: lavorare al Beverly Hills Hotel di Los Angeles, da sempre un’icona del lusso, prediletto da celebrity...

Ask the folks in Maryville what the big new restaurant sensation is, and they’ll very likely tell you it’s Jaboni’s Pizzeria. However, you won’t find it sitting along any of the town’s high-traffic thoroughfares. Rather, it occupies a small subsection of a larger, repurposed retail space in the Kroger Marketplace neighborhood. The Grub Spouse and I...

New Rochelle Opera, Westchester's longest running opera company, will present Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata, from June 20-23, 2019 in the Frank J. Auriana Theatre at the Ursuline School, 1354 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY. The production will be directed by Company co-founder and artistic director Camille Coppola, with orchestra and chorus conducte...

Up to 1963 the proud region of Abruzzo was not a region in its own right, but cohabited with Molise, even if Frederick of Swabia had already, in 1233, created the Giustiziere d’Abruzzo, identifying the region’s territory.   Abruzzo became then part of the Bourbons’ kingdom, under the rule of which it remained until, not without fighting, it was eve...