Gli “expat” della ricerca italiana oltre Atlantico celebrano il loro lavoro grazie a eventi aperti al pubblico che hanno luogo presso le Ambasciate di Washington e Pechino e nei Consolati e Istituti italiani di cultura di New York, Los Angeles e San Francisco. È in tal modo che ISSNAF (, la fondazione che riunisce 4.000 scienziati it...

Some would argue meatballs only belong on a swirl of steaming pasta  or wedged inside twelve inches of a hoagie roll, while others with a more laissez-faire approach to life would argue that when food rules are broken, magical accidents can happen. But neither party in this hypothetical argument would refuse a second serving of Pazzo Southside’s me...

Several relics of St. Pio of Pietrelcina will come to the Archdiocese of Seattle for public veneration on Saturday, May 5, at St. James Cathedral in Seattle. Archbishop J. Peter Sartain will celebrate Mass in honor of the saint at 9 a.m. with veneration of his relics from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The relics were in Portland last summer. The relics will...

Si è tenuta presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di San Francisco la seconda riunione degli insegnanti d'italiano della Bay Area. All’incontro, che si è svolto sotto il patrocinio del console generale d'Italia, Lorenzo Ortona, hanno partecipato circa 60 insegnanti provenienti dalla zona.  Anna Zeppieri, responsabile dell'Ufficio Scolastico presso...

There was a time when you could dump some garden-variety ice in a glass, swirl it around with the right ingredients, and I’d knock it back with grateful satisfaction. That was before Martina, where each drink is made with its own particular type of ice: crushed, cubed, stamped, and slivered. No number of slapdash drinks can unring that bell. But wh...

Luca Dal Monte is eyeing the 1966 Ferrari 275 GTB sitting on the shop floor here at Dominick’s European Car Repair. He has traveled from his home in Milan to promote his latest book, a biography of the car’s namesake, Enzo Ferrari. The 954-page scholarly tome (over 1,000 pages in Italian) has received rave reviews in Italy since it came out in 2016...

One year, non-tenure track position beginning August 2018. Duties are to teach elementary and intermediate Italian language and culture courses. ABD or PhD preferred, but MA will be considered. Excellence in teaching and native/near-native Italian are essential. We are particularly interested in candidates with experience and strong interest in dev...

When: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 At 6:30 pm - Where: IIC Los Angeles -  Organized by : IIC, Sky TV - Entrance : Free West Coast Premiere of the documentary about the life, works and struggles of Michelangelo Merisi from Caravaggio, whose existence, no less than his art, was characterized by lights and shadows, genius and intemperance. Introduction by...

Whether performing to sold-out Carnegie Hall in New York or Redlands Bowl in California or playing more intimate venues, O Sole Trio’s top show tends to be its most recent. Lakeshore Community Concerts and Live On Stage Inc. presents O Sole Trio May 10 at Munster High School Auditorium. “We always like to say that our favorite gig was the last one...

Imagine that you’re on the banks of the Mediterranean Sea enjoying a beautiful waterfront dinner with some authentic Italian cuisine. OK, so it’s not quite the Mediterranean, but the food at Ristorante Lago does its part to paint the picture. Since opening in October 2016 at the site of the former Golden Anchor, executive chef and general manager J...

When Hunter S. Thompson took the English artist Ralph Steadman to the Kentucky Derby in 1970, he tried to prepare him for the chaos into which they were descending. “Just pretend you’re visiting a huge outdoor loony bin,” Thompson said. He added, because he was rarely out of character, “If the inmates get out of control we’ll soak them down with Ma...

IN THE 1969 painting Curl, the last work Domenico Gnoli ever completed, a blown-up corkscrew of chestnut hair is isolated against a pink background of worsted fabric. Gnoli used acrylic paint mixed with sand and glue to achieve a granulated, textural effect. But, as with the majority of his paintings, the art is also about the unseen. Who is this g...