WTI Magazine #35    2014 June, 18Author : Enrico De Iulis      Translation by:   A very famous painting from the Italian Renaissance has just landed in New York, where it will be until July 20: it is the portrait of a woman celebrated as "The Turkish slave" by Francesco Mazzola, known as Parmigianino. Dated 1533, the painting is one of four femal...

Italian industrial orders shot up in April, its strongest level since the start of the year as demand from abroad rose at the fastest pace since 2009, stoking hopes of export-led growth in the euro-zone's third-largest economy, national statistics institute Istat said Friday.   Industrial orders rose 3.8% in April from March in seasonally ad...

by Mauro Battocchi   Twelve young Italian entrepreneurs were recently announced in Rome for the 2014-2015 BEST Program, a innovative exchange between Italy and the US that is leading the charge in setting Italy's startup scene alight with expert insight directly from Silicon Valley.   You'll be impressed and inspired by the caliber of...

Si è conclusa a fine luglio alla Farnesina la prima fase dei lavori preparatori degli Stati Generali della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo, l'iniziativa del Ministero degli Affari Esteri, in collaborazione con i Ministeri dell'Istruzione e dei Beni culturali, prevista per il prossimo 21 e 22 ottobre a Firenze.   Gli "Stati Generali" sono un'occasi...

The rich and famous, the important and powerful, can always have their say. But what of the bulk of humanity who suffer the whims of history, whose everyday labors give it life? How will their voices be remembered? The answer, at least in Italy, can be found here in this small Tuscan town, which has become Italy's repository of lives recounted...

The San Francisco Opera opens its 2014-2015 season, the company's 93rd, on September 5th, with a new production premiere of Bellini's masterwork Norma, starring Sandra Rodanovsky in the role made famous by Maria Callas, and conducted by SFO music director Nicola Luisotti.   The season runs in two segments, one from September through December...

ARZANO è un piccolo paese alle porte di Napoli. Ma, oggi, è una delle capitali internazionali del lusso, anche se molti non lo sanno. Da queste parti alberga l'eccellenza italiana ed è racchiusa in una parola che la rende unica: eleganza.   Senza dubbio la scuola sartoriale partenopea è apprezzata in tutto il mondo e Ciro Paone ne è stato pe...

Seattle will now observe Indigenous Peoples' Day on Columbus Day in the city.   A resolution that passed the City Council unanimously Monday said Indigenous Peoples' Day will celebrate the contributions and culture of Native Americans and the indigenous community in Seattle on the second Monday in October, the same day as the federally recog...

Una vita per difendere i diritti civili e diffondere i valori della cultura italiana negli Usa. E per la professoressa Maria Fosco, nata a New York, figlia di emigranti di Orsogna (Chieti), è arrivato un prestigioso riconoscimento in occasione del Columbus Day.   Ieri ha ricevuto il premio 'Joe Petrosino', dedicato alla memoria del poliziot...

The Modern Language Department at Central Connecticut State Universitywill offer a graduate course in Italian taught completely onlinein the Spring Semester of 2015, January 12—May 9: ITAL 560-C01 - ADVANCED WRITTEN ITALIANWritten communication in Italian, linguistic analysis, and study of stylistic varietiesCNR 40767Pre-requisites: Graduate...

On Saturday, Nov. 15, at 1PM, Lawrence DiStasi will present an illustrated talk at the San Mateo History Museum, 2200 Broadway, Redwood City, CA. DiStasi will speak about his book Una Storia Segreta--the internments, evacuations, exclusions and restrictions on Italian Americans During World War II.   He will specifically address the category...

A new edition of the "Palazzo sul Potomac" is now available. This English version, curated by Ambassador Gaetano Cortese, features the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC and chronicles diplomatic relations between Italy and the US.   Sponsored by the National Italian American Foundation and dedicated to "2013 - Year of Italian Culture in the...