Boys' & Girls' Towns of Italy (BGTI), a nonprofit that empowers war refugee, migrant and at-risk youth living on the streets, raised a recording breaking $1,095,150 at its 69th Annual Spring Ball on Monday, May 5 at The Pierre, New York.   BGTI honored Joseph J. Plumeri, former CEO of Willis Group Holdings, as Man of the Year and present...

The exciting biennial must event for apasionados, scholars, critics, and tourists is just around the corner: the 14th annual International Architecture Exhibition in Venice runs June 7th to November 23rd, in the Giardini della Biennale and the Venice Arsenale. The Fundamentals exhibition, part of the Venice Biennale, looks at the origins, primordi...

Got the hammock strung up? Check. A chilled bottle of Prosecco or Vermentino? Check. Notebook handy? Pen or pencil? Check.   Time to do some studying. Our textbook: "Native Wine Grapes of Italy" by Ian D'Agata (University of California Press, Berkeley). That's 620 pages of hard-won knowledge about Italy's familiar and obscure grapes, includi...

È rivolto agli italiani residenti all'estero e ai cittadini stranieri di origine italiana "Made of Italians", il progetto di Expo 2015 cui hanno aderito le Consulte regionali per l'emigrazione. Il progetto, si legge sul sito di Expo, è stato pensato per garantire "un'accoglienza speciale", per far vivere ai connazionali "l'esperienza emozionan...

"Certo, è una grossa cifra, ma faccio finta che non esista: non è da lì che arriva il business". Dario Snaidero sorride e prova a minimizzare. E con qualche ragione. Perché in effetti non capita ogni giorno di ricevere una commessa da 450mila dollari per una cucina, l'equivalente in Italia del costo di un paio di appartamenti.    Il mil...

Bauli, the leading creator of authentic Italian holiday cakes and pastries, is announcing its official launch in the United States, available at retailers, including: Fairway, Whole Foods and Duane Reade stores nationwide.   Bauli has been the confectionary leader in Italy for over 80 years and its line of products will introduce traditional...

Giuseppe Verdi's "La traviata" is one of the most performed operas in the world, yet it hasn't appeared on a Boston Lyric Opera stage for more than a decade. That is, until this October, when the renowned company will stage a production of the classic work, interpreted by some of the country's rising stars of opera. Five performances will take...

Every year, the community is drawn to the sounds and smells of Festa Italiana in Poughkeepsie. The city's Italian Center hosts the annual four-day event at its Mill Street headquarters.   Saturday's rain "hurt a little bit," but the attendance at the festival finished strong with Sunday's "awesome" weather, said Franco Giangrasso, Itali...

On October 26th, classical music for piano and voice by the early 20th century Italian composer Salvatore Arnò, will be performed for the first time this century. During Arnò's lifetime, he achieved the admiration of his audiences and fellow musicians throughout Italy and in Boston. Newspaper reviews heartily express these sentiments. A representa...

Alex Malone may be the bravest man in America. By day, the 26-year-old is a scientist in Fargo, N.D. By night, he eats pasta. All of the pasta.   Malone is one of the few to score the coveted $100 Never Ending Pasta Bowl promotion from Olive Garden. With the help of an egg-cellent pun — All of Garden — he's begun blogging his 49-da...

With 2716 innovative new small companies registered, thw Italian startups ecosystem is growing fast. In this developing scenario young Italian entrepreneurs have to re-think about their strategies to get funds for their projects, even considering to surf toward new markets to boost their businesses.   For the new generation of businessmen th...

I'm sure many Medford residents remember an Italian teacher named Michelina Pietrangelo, who taught at Medford High School until 1991 when a terminal illness struck her. She died shortly after and left a bequest for students of Italian at Medford High School.Cesare Pietrangelo, Michelina's brother and executor of the endowment, has given scholarsh...