By Fucsia FitzGerald Nissoli Care Amiche e cari Amici,Vi scrivo per fare il punto sulla questione, ancora viva, della chiusura del Consolato italiano di Newark. In un momento in cui la visita del Presidente Barack Obama a Roma rilancia i già ottimi rapporti tra l'Italia e gli USA, consolidati nel tempo anche grazie alla presenza di tanti italiani...

Brock Radke Onda had secretly been one of the better Italian restaurants on the Strip, a warm, golden-hued room with solid cuisine set deep inside the Mirage since it opened in 1989. Then last year, it began an equally quiet transition into something new, bringing on a new chef and a much more streamlined menu of what appear to be classic, familia...

By Michael Sudhalter   Washington Heights resident Sammy Patranella Sr. grew up in a home that his father built in 1938, a block away from Washington Ave. Sammy Sr., along with his wife, Josephine and son, Sammy Jr., started the restaurant in 1991 built a restaurant in that same home, 813 Jackson Hill St. It's no surprise that Patranel...

A group of local graduates were honored at a yearly tradition in Hastings-on-Hudson Sunday morning.Seven Yonkers students received the Enrico Fermi Scholarship at Westchester Manor during a special breakfast ceremony.   The scholarship award was started in the Italian-American community 51 years ago. The breakfast was attended by local...

Fitchburg State University President Robert V. Antonucci, whose vision and leadership have had a profound impact on both the campus and the larger North Central Massachusetts region, today announced his intention to retire at the end of the 2014-2015 academic year.   "I am honored to have been chosen to lead this great university and its ded...

By Maurita Cardone Prosegue il programma dell'Agenzia ICE (Italian Trade Agency) per l'accompagnamento delle aziende italiane nell'ingresso nel mercato americano. Lanciato lo scorso autunno dal vice ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, Carlo Calenda, il programma nasce con l'intenzione di aprire nuovi spazi di mercato su territori americani ancora p...

In Italy there's a rising tide of tech-orientated entrepreneurs, favorable legal reforms, tax incentives, a swelling pool of highly skilled technical talent and the emergence of incubators and accelerators are among some of the contributors to an increasingly attractive Italian tech ecosystem. In the past 12 months alone 1,800 startups have set up...

The 2014 winners will join distinguished students from five countries in an intense education program at the Università Carlo Cattaneo – LIUC to discuss innovations and best practices in the machine manufacturing industry.   The program will not only provide academic growth, but an excellent opportunity for practical experience in internatio...

Rose Serio Russell remembers riding from Pawcatuck to Charlestown to pick blueberries with her family when she was a girl. Russell, now 87, recalls riding in the back of a pickup truck loaded with galvanized pails for the berries and homemade bread and tomatoes for lunch. "We'd leave at 7 and stay all day," said Russell. "Charlestown had loads and...

Cosa frena gli investimenti stranieri in Italia? Le recenti mire cinesi su Snam e Terna, forse più dettate da calcoli geopolitici che dal ritorno economico, hanno riacceso il dibattito. Visto dall'altra sponda dell'Atlantico il nostro rimane un Paese attrattivo, ma ancora indietro rispetto ai nostri principali competitor. A spiegarlo è Simone Crol...

by David L. Shaw   Thirty-five years ago, Vincent "Jimmy" Colella was named the first recipient of the Father Joseph Beatini Award, presented annually by the St. Anthony Commission to a person of Italian descent for outstanding community service. The latest honoree is Michael Scaglione — the man who now lives in Colella's former Lincoln...

Event Description:Lecture with screening of selections from documentaries on the theme: Ethnicity, National Identity and Multiculturalism in Contemporary Italy. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the Center for Italian Studies.   Location Information:West Campus - Harriman Hall (View Map)Nicolls RoadMain EntranceStony Brook, NY 11794...