The adventures of Pinocchio | a new translation

Mar 30, 2024 1374

Thursday April 4, 2024. 6 pm. Italian Cultural Institute @INNOVIT, 710 Sansome St, San Francisco, CA. Free Admission | Registration required here. Join Anna Kraczyna for a presentation of her new translation of The Adventures of Pinocchio and find out why Pinocchio has been growing in popularity since he first came to life over 140 years ago, and why he has actually become an icon of the twenty-first century.

Kraczyna explores the different levels of meaning of The Adventures of Pinocchio, one of the greatest works in the Italian literary canon, and certainly the world’s best-loved but most misinterpreted tale. Mendacity, in fact, is in no way central to the book, which instead carries other more important messages that are universal and of the essence in every time and place.


Born and raised in Florence, Italy by American artist parents, Anna Kraczyna has dual American and Italian nationality, is bilingual and bicultural, and is also fluent in French. She owes her surname to her Russian émigré grandparents. Graduated with honors in Italian Literature from the University of Florence, Kraczyna has been a translator and a simultaneous interpreter for thirty years, and she lectures on Italian language, literature, and culture at American universities and colleges in Florence. She has taught at the Florentine campuses of Stanford University and Sarah Lawrence College.



SOURCE: IIC San Francisco

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