"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" This is the most famous part of "The New Colossus", the poem engraved on a plaque on the inner wall of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty....
It is not easy to say something new about a singer everybody called "The Voice": probably the most important and compete artist of the American XX century. Still, as this man was an Italian American, and on December 12 he would have turned 100, we feel important to dedicate one of our interviews to the legend of the great Frank Sinatra. To do that...
Quando si pensa all'insegnamento ufficiale della lingua italiana nel mondo, la Società Dante Alighieri è l'istituzione storicamente preposta a tale scopo. La nostra lingua ha tradizione e significa cultura e piacevolezza, ovunque, e costituisce per i nostri connazionali emigrati in America tanti anni fa, e per i loro discendenti, un punto di riferi...
Imagine years of discrimination, without hope of being recognized of being worthy of any respect, possibly far from your family left in your homeland, working two or even three jobs, living in very poor conditions. Then, imagine a moment of pride, a glimpse of revenge, a situation where not only your people are respected, but one of them is hero, a...
Il viaggio virtuale tra Italia e Stati Uniti e all'interno di essi, ci porta spesso negli Stati in cui ci sono più Italiani, in genere sulle due coste. Ma l'America è tanto altro, ed anche in questo tanto altro, magari meno conosciuto qui da noi, si racchiudono perle, notizie interessanti, e italiani di successo e orgogliosi della loro origine. Neg...
New York is not just Manhattan, and one who understood very well this is Laura Caparrotti, Roman by birth and New Yorker by adoption, who last year created "In scena! Italian Theater festival NY" that brings the Italian theater in all 5 boroughs of New York City: Manhattan as well as also the Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn and Queens. The 2014 edi...
During the years of mass emigration from Italy to the US, one of the peculiarities of the Little Italies all over the US definitively was the street market. Many used to spend several hours on the street: people would work hard, start their small business, socialize with other "paisanos", meet friends and maybe future spouses, get a life away from...
Two of the five New York borroughs, Queens and Brooklyn, are not only part of New York, but also part of Long Island, at least officially: even so, usually when somebody refers to Long Island thinks about Nassau and Suffolk Counties, not the Queens or Kings (Brooklyn) County. Long Island is home to many, many Italian Americans. One of them know...
When I was a child, I had the privilege to shake Enzo Ferrari's hand. I didn't know who that old man was, but my father, who was born very close to Maranello, seemed to be very fond of him, and so I knew that he was somebody important. When I told this to Albert DeLauro, the Chairman of the Board of the Ferrari Club of America, he probably felt the...
West Virginia has a long history of Italian emigration. In 1910 more than 17,000 Italians were living there, making up 30% of the entire foreign-born population of the State: Italy even had a consular office in northern West Virginia. The majority of the Italian immigrants came from the south: Calabria, Campania, Sicilia. In 1907, the worst mining...
On the (virtual) road again, our trip around the US searching for Italian traces brings us today in Colorado. Again, not among the first States usually mentioned regarding the Italian emigration to the United States, but we will discover that there's a lot of Italy here too, starting from its motto that has its origin in Virgil's Aeneid: "Nil sine...
In describing the protagonists of different aspects of the relationship between Italy and the United States, we often met young successful (at least, young by the Italian standards), other times prominent managers or entrepreneurs, or institutional representatives. The person we interview today combines in himself all these three aspects, together...