Back home in South Scranton, after serving in the military in the Korean War, Marty Tomarelli helped build the Dante Literary Society's social clubhouse and banquet hall.   That was 1953, when Mr. Tomarelli, now 85, and other men who belonged to the organization constructed the building on Prospect Avenue.   Read more   Source:...

Trasformare il paesaggio contemporaneo in un luogo interiore, trasponendolo su tela con un paziente e meticoloso lavoro di pittura a olio. Così nascono le opere di Andrea Chiesi, vincitore, insieme al collettivo ZimmerFrei, del Gotham Prize 2013 indetto dall'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York. Arrivato alla terza edizione, il concorso offre...

A group of good friends has founded an organization that accomplishes two objectives near to their hearts — celebrating their Italian heritage and committing charitable acts in the community they love.   The newly formed Cultural Italian American Organization, or CIAO, brings together people of Italian descent to share traditions and customs...

From May 17-20, 2014, Ceramics of Italy will return to the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) at New York's Jacob K. Javits Center with its biggest multi-brand pavilion to date.   The Italian Trade Commission/Ceramics of Italy booth (1424-1432) will contain mini exhibits from 23 leading Italian ceramic producers, showcasing the...

Deputata eletta in Nord America, Fucsia Nissoli (Pi) si è recata ieri, 18 maggio, al Salone dei Tipici dei Parchi di Bazzano (L'Aquila), dove ha accolto il gruppo di buyers americani del settore agroalimentare, che hanno visitato l'esposizione per individuare prodotti e delizie particolari da proporre ai propri clienti.   Il mercato USA rima...

Umbria is called the Green Heart of Italy, because of its lush landscape, warm people and central location. It has it all: ancient ruins, Renaissance art, scenic landscapes, medieval hill towns and exceptional wine and food, truffles, olive oils, chocolates, pasta and more.   Sip wines and nibble gourmet delights as you take a virtual tour o...

Il mercato dei salumi con quasi 1,2 miliardi di esportazioni e un fatturato di 8 miliardi, ha registrato nel 2013 un calo del fatturato dell'0,5% rispetto al 2012. Nel 2013 la la domanda estera per i salumi italiani c ha superato quota 143.500 tonnellate (+3,8%), stabilendo un nuovo importante record in valore: 1,182 miliardi (+5,7%).   Seco...

Simone Pallotta, a Public and Urban Art curator based in Rome, brings together the works of 10 contemporary street artists to the prestigious halls of the Italian Culture Institute of NY in the new show: "From Street to Art".   The exhibit delves into the world of Italian public and urban art through these artists who have made a memorable m...

Todd Thiede of Hoboken, chief financial officer of Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services, Eatontown, has been elected to the board of directors of Home Care Association of New Jersey.   As CFO, Thiede oversees the management of more than 100 corporate employees and more than 1,000 external nurses, among other duties.   ...

The third-generation owner of a Norwich business and a New York Times best-selling author are the 2014 Italians of the Year. Doug Demicco, 56, of Oakdale, and novelist Wally Lamb, a former English teacher at Norwich Free Academy, will be honored by the Italian Heritage and Cultural Committee of Norwich at an October banquet in Groton.   &nb...

The Via Francigena, Europe's oldest road of pilgrimage, beginning in Canterbury and ending in Rome, has reopened the route's access to the north of the Italian capital, which had been closed for 20 years. The 13.7 km section of the trail there runs within the Riserva dell'Insugherata and Monte Mario, a large green space in the middle of the city....

Jazz, folk, blues and swing notes will entertain you all night while the chef serves up some delicious and authentic Italian food. Osteria del Principe - 27e 23rd street NY 1001010th september - 6,30 - 10,30 pm Ricky Russo DJ will start off the evening by playing a chill out session. "The most enthusiastic man in New York" (that's what people kno...