Anton Evangelista, award-winning Italian and American Filmmaker Launched His Latest Hot Film at a Private Preview Party in New York City

Sep 22, 2015 695

Anton Evnagelista, award-winning filmmaker, born in Italy, hosted a private preview screening party of his new documentary film "Author and Activist: The Daniela Gioseffi Story", which will premiere in 2016. Anton has produced and directed a film regarding the life of internationally acclaimed author Daniela Gioseffi, whose pioneering activism has given irrepressible voice for civil rights, eco-feminism, peace and climate justice.

As the daughter of a poor but tenacious Italian immigrant father and war-orphaned mother, Daniela learned to triumph over adversity and survive abuse and discrimination. From her traumatic run-in with the Ku Klux Klan during the civil rights movement, her near demise from an emergency Cesarean gone wrong, through her struggles as an eco-feminist and anti-war activist, to her marching for climate justice, Daniela's story exemplifies commitment. As the daughter of an immigrant father who reached for the American Dream, she championed a better image for the Italian American, against cruel stereotyping.

Along the way, her work was praised by Carl Sagan, Grace Paley, Galway Kinnell, Geraldine Ferraro, Governor Mario Cuomo, Bill McKibben and many others. Grace Cavalieri, host of the Library of Congress radio show, said: "Gioseffi is one of a school of strong epic poets. Few women take on the page like a Whitman, Langston Hughes or Allen Ginsberg."

Her groundbreaking anthology, On Prejudice: A Global Perspective, with her essay on the dynamics of prejudice made her a multicultural pioneer who won a World Peace Award, presented at the United Nations. Her international compendium Women on War won an American Book Award and is a women studies classic in print for 25 years.

The NY Times called it "a book that should be translated into all languages of humankind." Madrid's El Pais, said: "Daniela Gioseffi is a vital international author, dedicated to planetary survival." She's won the Order of the Sons of Italy Literary Award, 2008, The John Ciardi Lifetime Achievement Award 2007, and Italian American Educators Lifetime Achievement 2003 and has published 6 volumes of poetry, some with VIA Folios/ Bordighera Press, housed at the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute of The City U. of NY, where another preview screening will be held on Nov. 18th.

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