The continuing discoveries at Pompeii

Mar 14, 2023 433

In what is now southern Italy, Pompeii was a bustling metropolis, until an eruption from the mighty volcano Vesuvius engulfed it in ash nearly 2,000 years ago. The stone skeleton of this ancient city has emerged through centuries of excavations – an intriguing glimpse of another time. Yet, at least one-third of the Roman city remains buried, and that means the tantalizing discoveries continue.

Raffaele Martinelli, part of the team at the archaeological site, took "Sunday Morning" to one of the most recently uncovered sections, the House of the Lararium, not yet open to the public. When excavating, they often have no idea what they're discovering. "In the earth we find a little hole," Martinelli explained. "Usually I say, 'Please, Roberta, run in here!'"

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