“A Man of Letters”: Giorgio Bassani in North America - Symposium

Jan 09, 2023 1086

Thursday, January 19, 2023. From 6:00 pm To 7:30 pm. Italian Cultural Institute in New York - 686 Park Avenue - New York, NY. In collaboration with Fondazione G. Bassani. Entrance: Free. Book now. On the occasion of the publishing of the new edition of Giorgio Bassani's Complete Poems, the IIC NY and the Giorgio Bassani Foundation celebrate the writer from Ferrara, and in particular his poetic works, with the symposium "A Man of Letters": Giorgio Bassani in North America.

Event part of the commemorations of the "Remembrance Day - Giorno della Memoria 2023". Introductory remarks by prof. Fabio Finotti, IIC Director, and by Paola Bassani, president of the Giorgio Bassani Foundation. Anna Dolfi, editor of the volume, presents the entire corpus of poems ranging from 1945 to 1982, from which emerges - unlike the narrative- an intimate, autobiographical Bassani with a watchful eye and a severe look at post-war Italy.

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SOURCE: https://iicnewyork.esteri.it

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