'Pavarotti' relives that magical time he romantically serenaded Princess Diana in the rain

Jun 04, 2019 2033

BY: Bryan Alexander

The operatic life of legendary tenor Luciano Pavarotti is on full display in producer/ director Ron Howard’s documentary “Pavarotti” (screens Tuesday in 600 theaters via Fathom Events; opens Friday in select cities, including New York, Los Angeles and Chicago; expands throughout summer).

But nowhere is the drama more fairy-tale-like than the enchanting scenes from the 1991 “Pavarotti in the Park" concert, when the Italian opera star serenaded a rain-drenched Princess Diana in front of 125,000 fans (and Prince Charles) during a downpour in London’s Hyde Park. It was a romantic high-water mark for the most famous singer in the world and “The People’s Princess,” and the beginning of an enduring friendship.

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SOURCE: https://eu.usatoday.com

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