'We're just getting started.' Fairfield County charity collects baby supplies for Ukraine

Mar 17, 2022 1203

BY: Marissa Alter

Saugatuck Sweets in Fairfield and Westport is known for its ice cream but also its outreach. Owner Al DiGuido founded the charity Al's Angels 25 years ago to help kids with cancer. He's now supporting the millions of people fleeing Ukraine.  "We said, 'We have to start to do something.' We can't sit on the sidelines watching this all happen and say, 'Well, it's not our country. It's not our problem. It's somewhere far away,'" DiGuido explained.

For the past few days, Al's Angels has collected items for kids under 1 years old with DiGuido's business doubling as a drop-off site. DiGuido said he got connected to people on the ground in Ukraine and Poland and found out what items they need the most. "There are a significant amount of kids who are babies. Their mothers are carrying those babies across the border into Poland without any kind of supplies," DiGuido said.

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SOURCE: https://connecticut.news12.com

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