The University for Foreigners in Perugia together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Embassy in Washington offers 50 scholarships to attend Italian language and culture courses or teacher training courses at the University for Foreigners of Perugia. The University for Foreigners in Perugia is the oldest and most prestigious Italia...

Si è tenuto nelle scorse settimane a Hawthorne, nel New Jersey (USA), l'edizione 2013 del "Dinner Dance", il Gran Galà degli emigrati molfettesi del Nord America, organizzato dalla associazione di pugliesi nel mondo "Società Madonna dei Martiri" di Hoboken.   In occasione di questa grande festa sono stati eletti i nuovi organi direttivi dell...

Con questa rassegna periodica siamo ormai arrivati a coprire un quarto di secolo (1987-2012) 1. In questi 5 lustri è divenuto evidente come vi siano tendenze costanti della produzione americanistica: dalla sempre più massiccia presenza dei giornalisti all'attenzione per le elezioni e i presidenti, per le relazioni tra Stati Uniti ed Europa e tra St...

Italy! Food! Two words that inspire passion in everyone. A country whose cuisine has delighted the world now has its native son bringing the flavors, tastes, and feel of Italy to kitchens everywhere. Chef Luigi Diotaiuti, chef/owner of Al Tiramisu in the heart of Washington, DC, loves to prepare the foods of his native country, taking traditional i...

by Mauro Battocchi   Trade has come a long way since the opening of global markets started in 1947 with the creation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Since then, we've seen the creation of the World Trade Organization, North American Free Trade Agreement, European Union, ASEAN Free Trade Area, and many more agreements th...

The George Washington Lodge of OSIA, will host a Chicken Dinner (Italian Style) benefiting National COPILAS at the George Brent Council, Knights of Columbus Hall at All Saints Catholic Church located at 9300 Stonewall Road. Manassas ,Va.20110. Members of the Lodge and the Knights of Columbus will be preparing and serving the food. The dinner is $7....

di Rosy Canale   È un'atmosfera surreale quella del Midsummer Night Swing che ogni sera al Damrosh Park di Lincoln Center, proietta tantissimi newyorchesi in dimensioni di altri tempi. Ieri sera è toccato ai mitici anni '50. Sul palco a dirigere le danze c'erano Ray Gelato & The Giants: the Godfather of swing - il padrino dello swin...

by Holly Valentine For the 21st consecutive year, the Solano chapter of UNICO, an Italian-American service club, has awarded scholarships to deserving local high school seniors. Seven students were awarded one thousand dollars each for the following scholarships: Juilus J. Caserza Memorial Scholarship: Austin Chadwick and Frank Primrose, Vacavil...

You're just as likely to hear the broken English of an exchange student as that of an Italian immigrant. And the neighborhood is home to more cappuccino-sippers than stonemasons.   But no place in Cleveland has retained the historical look and Old World charm more than Little Italy. No festival bridges tradition and change more than Lit...

In a bid to challenge Italian stereotypes, two young Italians set up a dedicated Twitter account, which is run each week by a different person. The Local spoke to the founders of 'I am Italy' to find out how they are revamping Italy's image. "We're evolving from the 'mafia, spaghetti, mamma' image of the average Italian, to a country that is becom...

Il Mediterraneo spazio di dialogo tra culture e la Sardegna come ponte sul Mediterraneo. È in questo scenario che la Società Dante Alighieri, istituzione impegnata da 120 anni per la diffusione della lingua e della cultura italiana nel mondo, ha deciso di portare nel capoluogo sardo l'81° Congresso Internazionale, l'appuntamento a cadenza biennale...

As the citizens at Boys' and Girls' Towns get ready to head to school, we ask for your help. Unlike other kids, our young people do not have a mother or father to buy them a backpack, or pick up their favorite pen. They do not have a sibling's hand-me-down shirt or shoes.   We are raising $25,000 to ensure our kids are ready to enter school...