What does success look like for Yankees prospect Anthony Volpe with Somerset Patriots?

Jun 15, 2022 519

It’s hard not to get a kick out of the smile that slowly forms on Anthony Volpe’s face when someone digging into the start of his season asks about his confidence level. Those in the business of grasping at straws in wondering why the traditional statistics next to the 21-year-old Somerset Patriots shortstop’s name haven’t been as reflective of the obvious talent that’s carried him to consensus top-prospect status in the New York Yankees farm system will occasionally make the mistake of wondering aloud about it when speaking to the man himself.

Good-naturedly and in a typically extremely polished fashion beyond his years, the answer typically isn’t much different than the one he gave after a 3-for-4 showing at the plate on Saturday night.

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SOURCE: https://www.thechestnutpost.com

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